Implementation of the Function of Maximizing the Security Level in the Administration of Justice in the Digital Economy

  • Damir Khamitovich Valeev Honored Lawyer of the Republic of Tatarstan
  • Anas Gaptraufovich Nuriev Kazan Federal University
Palabras clave: public administration functions, uridic security, idigital information, digital means of trust, right to judicial protection.


The research analyses the implementation of the role of maximizing the level of security in the administration of justice in the context of the digital economy. Methodologically, the documentary observation research technique and, to process sources, sociological-dialectical analysis were used. Digitization as a transformational factor of many branches of social relations implies dependence on the implementation of a series of interdependent legal facts with digital technologies so that the action has a legal and concrete result. The digital level as a new platform for the implementation of a number of public functions posing new challenges for the public administration system and also determines the status of new functions that can provide a "digital future" with a positive development dynamic. Conclusion mode everything indicates that, these new functions can be austable in order to maximize security in the implementation of public functions in response to new threats. Particularly sensitive is the area of justice administration, which is also actively introducing many digital tools into the case-resolution process.


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Biografía del autor/a

Damir Khamitovich Valeev, Honored Lawyer of the Republic of Tatarstan
Doctor of Law, Deputy Dean for Science Law Faculty of KFU, Honored Lawyer of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan Federal University
Anas Gaptraufovich Nuriev, Kazan Federal University
The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Tatarstan, Candidate of Law, Chief of Staff, Kazan Federal University


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Cómo citar
Valeev, D. K., & Nuriev, A. G. (2020). Implementation of the Function of Maximizing the Security Level in the Administration of Justice in the Digital Economy. Cuestiones Políticas, 38(67), 216-225. Recuperado a partir de