Liderazgo y Cultura Organizacional en empresas familiares. Desde una perspectiva teórica
Leadership and Organizational Culture in family businesses. From a theoretical perspective
The main objective of this article was to review and analyze the existing literature or bibliographic resources on leadership and organizational culture in family businesses. For this purpose, a systematic review was carried out considering the available papers, articles and resources published in the last 15 years and indexed in high impact databases. The initial search yielded 35 scientific articles, of which 30 papers were chosen due to their recent date. The results show that there is a close relationship between leadership and organizational culture, and companies, whether family-owned or not, should focus their efforts on improving the interaction and alignment between these two key aspects. It is crucial that the conflicts that arise in family businesses are resolved through the leadership exercised to continue to survive in the market and mitigate their increasing disappearance. It is concluded that there can be different leadership styles in an organization since it depends on the situation and the moment in which decisions are made. Thus, it is imperative to implement the appropriate leadership style, developing a thorough understanding of what is involved and what is necessary for leadership to be effective.
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