La acción extraordinaria de protección ante las decisiones de la justicia indígena

The extraordinary action of protection before the decisions of indigenous justice

Keywords: extraordinary protection action, indigenous justice, Constitutional guarantee, Constitutional Court, Ecuador


Ecuador is an intercultural and Plurinational State, so each person can access justice within the parameters of the Constitution, this includes indigenous justice. Therefore, the objective of this article is to analyze the scope of the extraordinary action of protection in the face of indigenous justice decisions. It is predominantly qualitative research that uses doctrinal, normative, and jurisprudential sources; It is documentary type, and its level is descriptive. Both in the doctrine, the norm, and the jurisprudence it is considered that the extraordinary action of protection is a guarantee embodied in the Constitution to maintain the balance that, particularly, ordinary justice deserves with the indigenous justice and to request it the extremes must be met. legal provisions containing articles 65 and 66 of the Organic Law of Jurisdictional Guarantees and Constitutional Control. Among the conclusions, it stands out that the scope of the action in terms of decisions emanating from indigenous justice reflects respect for the ancestral customs and unique dynamisms of nationalities, peoples, and communities, but without undermining the line that divides the self-determination of abuse and disrespect for human rights.


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Author Biography

Fernando Guillermo Garay Delgado, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí. Ecuador.


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How to Cite
Laaz Hidrovo, P. D., & Garay Delgado, F. G. (2024). La acción extraordinaria de protección ante las decisiones de la justicia indígena: The extraordinary action of protection before the decisions of indigenous justice. Political Questions, 42(80), 175-195.