¿La Oposición o las Oposiciones en América Latina? Una retrospectiva en Venezuela
The Opposition or Oppositions in Latin America?
The contextualization of political and social phenomena is essential to apprehend them scientifically. The dissertation on the political nature of the phenomenon is a task undertaken by scholars and political actors attracted by institutional power. In democracy, one of the factors to contextualize are the political actors who compete for power. In this order, considering them an organic body makes it impossible to observe their complexity. Therefore, it is proposed to study the diversity of actors who seek power, not as opposition, but as oppositions. The present study is based on the hermeneutic method and was supported by a documentary-type investigation, which interprets the facts found through statistical data, obtained in various presidential election processes in Latin America: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, and Venezuela. These countries are considered because their electoral system is direct and multiparty. In them, we observe that on the electoral card there are more than two candidates competing for the presidency. Concluding that there are two types of opposition: those that oppose the government and those that oppose each other: the oppositions.
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