Los estados de excepción en Ecuador y su impacto en el derecho al turismo: Estudio de los Decretos Ejecutivos No. 110 y 112
States of emergency in Ecuador and their impact on the right to tourism: A study of Executive Decrees No. 110 and 112
In January 2024, two Executive Decrees were issued declaring a state of exception due to the serious internal commotion and the existence of an internal armed conflict. This dictation entailed the restriction of certain rights that directly affect the free development of activities related to tourism. This paper attempts to determine the impact of states of exception in Ecuador on the exercise of the right to tourism, with special emphasis on Executive Decrees No. 110 and No. 111. The methodology used is bibliographic and descriptive, with the application of the content analysis technique. The legal relationship between the validity of a state of emergency and the protection of tourism is a link that requires precise examination, given the various factors involved: on the one hand, there is the power of the State to maintain peace and public safety, and on the other, the freedom of people to rest, leisure and enjoyment. It is concluded that
the Ecuadorian State in the midst of the exceptionality must guarantee: the integrity and rights of tourists and safeguard the tourist activity in general.
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