Reflexiones filosóficas sobre la relación turismo, crecimiento económico y desarrollo sostenible en el siglo XXI

Philosophical reflections on the relationship between tourism, economic growth and sustainable development in the 21st century

Keywords: reflexiones filosóficas, turismo, crecimiento económico, desarrollo sostenible, desarrollo integral en el siglo XXI


The purpose of the editorial was to present Volume 40, Number 75 of the December 2022 edition of Cuestiones Políticas. Macroeconomic indicators from international organizations such as the UN, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank show that tourism is a strategic industry for the integral development of nations with a formidable capacity to generate sources of employment and sustainable development, as long as the necessary policies are implemented. In this sense, the objective of this work was to reflect philosophically on the relationship between tourism, economic growth and sustainable development in the 21st century. In order to achieve the stated objective, a combination of the phenomenological and hermeneutic method was used, which describe and interpret reality in a rigorous way, through the examination of documentary sources in digital format, such as: scientific articles, press releases and reports of international organizations. It is concluded that sustainable tourism is definitely that which combines in equal conditions economic growth with the requirements of social justice, equity, human rights and environmental balance, in tune with the objectives of sustainable development promoted by the United Nations agenda 2023 and that, in addition, philosophy has much to contribute on the subject.


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How to Cite
Verkhovod, I., Donetc, I., Arsenenko, I., Donchenko, L., & Havrylova, O. (2022). Reflexiones filosóficas sobre la relación turismo, crecimiento económico y desarrollo sostenible en el siglo XXI: Philosophical reflections on the relationship between tourism, economic growth and sustainable development in the 21st century. Political Questions, 40(75), 16-25.

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