Venezuela en Oclocracia ¿Un problema más cultural y educacional que económico o ideológico?
Venezuela in Oclocracy: A problem more cultural and educational than economic or ideological?
Polybius argued at the time that ochlocracy is presented as the worst of all the evils of democratic political systems, the end of the state and the degeneration of power. The ochlocracy has the appearance of a democracy, but it is not, since it mutilates the power of the people and is nothing more than a degenerate democracy, since in its course it perverts its institutions to flatter the desire of the masses (power of the crowd). Under this perspective, this work aimed to describe how a part of Venezuelan society, throughout these last two decades of republican life, has become an oclocrocratic society, that is, the government of the plebs, the rabble, rude, ignorant and loaded with vulgarity, this is due to its low cultural formation, moral and educational. The nature of the essay is descriptive. It is concluded that the Venezuelan political and social conflict that degenerated into ochlocracy is more determined by cultural and educational factors than economic or ideological ones.
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