Approaches to the definition of constitutional traditions

Aproximaciones a la definición de tradiciones constitucionales

Keywords: constitutional tradition, constitutional and legal culture, constitutional law, cultural factor, legal norm


The author of the article analyzes the definition of constitutional traditions under the influence of various legal cultures; It also considers the various existing approaches to the definition of constitutional traditions and, at the same time, proposes its own approach to understanding these traditions in their particular context. The results show that constitutional traditions are formed over several generations, therefore, they always reflect the fundamental specificities of a sociocultural system. The author also highlights the factors that influence the perception of constitutional traditions in different legal-constitutional cultures. For the rest, the article studies the most widely disseminated approaches to understand constitutional norms that do not always fully coincide with the canons of constitutional and legal culture. Methods of scientific and general philosophical cognition are used to explore the constitutional tradition from different perspectives of analysis. It is concluded that constitutional traditions, as a whole, can be characterized as elements of the constitutional legacy that preserve the fundamental values of democracy, the constitutional order, the mechanism of state power and the constitution-based political system, as well as the constitutional forms of government enshrined in law.


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Author Biography

Maria Nikolaevna Kokina , Siberian Federal University. Krasnoyarsk, Russia.

Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia.


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How to Cite
Kokina , M. N. (2022). Approaches to the definition of constitutional traditions: Aproximaciones a la definición de tradiciones constitucionales. Political Questions, 40(72), 704-715.
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