Protección penal de la vida y la salud de los niños: experiencia internacional

Keywords: criminal protection of children, life and health, children and minors, criminal responsibility, corpus delicti


Through a documentary methodology, the article examines the characteristics of the criminal protection of the life and health of children in Ukraine and some other countries. The problem of determining the time of the beginning of the protection of a child’s life and health, is analyzed in the light of the European  experience. It is noted that in Ukraine it is necessary to recognize the right to live of the child at any stage of fetal development, to ensure the criminal protection of the child before birth. This approach is enshrined in several international legal acts, as well as confirmed by legal guarantees in the legal systems of many countries around the world. In addition, the article analyzes criminal law measures to guarantee the rights and interests of the child under modern Ukrainian law. The list of socially dangerous acts against minors is a result, so reinforced criminal liability is provided for considering the interests of minors. It has been concluded that in all post-Soviet countries the components of crimes against a person’s health, considering the legislator’s reaction to causing harm to the health of children during their commission, are clearly divided into three separate groups.


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Author Biographies

Viktoria Babanina, National Academy of Internal Affairs

Professor of Criminal Law Department of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Vita Ivashchenko, National Academy of Internal Affairs

Professor of Criminology and Criminal Executive Law Department of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Kyiv, Ukraine. 

Oleg Grudzur, National Academy of Internal Affairs

Associate Professor of Criminal Law Department of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, PhD in Law, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Yurikov Oleksandr, National Academy of Internal Affairs

Teacher of the cycle of general and criminal law disciplines Kyiv Center for Primary Vocational Training «Police Academy» Educational and Scientific Institute No 1 of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, PhD in Law, Kyiv, Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Babanina, V., Ivashchenko, V., Grudzur, O., & Oleksandr, Y. (2021). Protección penal de la vida y la salud de los niños: experiencia internacional. Political Questions, 39(71), 350-365.
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