Peculiaridades de la aplicación del mecanismo internacional de protección de los derechos de las víctimas de conflictos armados en Ucrania oriental

Keywords: victim of armed conflicts, legal norm, hybrid war, ratification of international treaties, international agreement


The article analyzes the content of international legal acts related to the protection of the rights of victims of military conflicts. At the same time, its results identify the characteristics of its implementation in Ukraine. It has been established that some of these legal sources have not been ratified by Ukraine or otherwise Ukraine has not given them a binding legal effect. Using a documentary-based methodology close to legal and political hermeneutics, this article develops scientifically sound and relevant proposals aimed at improving the legal mechanism to protect the legitimate interests and rights of the victims of the
military conflict in Eastern Ukraine. It is concluded that the current legal problems not only negatively affect the state of law enforcement activity in Ukraine, which is directly related to the content of this process, but also does not allow adequate influence on the determinants that give rise to, and cause
military and territorial conflicts in Ukraine, a situation that can be extrapolated to other societies near or far.


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Author Biographies

Alexander G. Kolb, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University

Doctor in Law, professor of departament of Political Science and Public Administration, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University. Ukraine.

Malvina Hrushko, National University “Odessa Law Academy”

Docent of department of International and European Law of the National University “Odessa Law Academy”, faculty of international legal relations, candidate of Law, docent.

Hanna Teteriatnyk, Odessa State University of Internal Afairs

Head of department of Criminal Procedure of Odessa State University of Internal Afairs, candidate of Law, docent. Ukraine.

Olha Chepik-Trehubenko, Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs

Docent of department of General Law, Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, faculty of law, candidate of Law. Ukraine.

Olha Kotliar, State Higher Educational Institution "Uzhhorod National University"

Docent of department of International Law, State Higher Educational Institution "Uzhhorod National University", candidate of Law. Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Kolb, A. G., Hrushko, M., Teteriatnyk, H., Chepik-Trehubenko, O., & Kotliar, O. (2021). Peculiaridades de la aplicación del mecanismo internacional de protección de los derechos de las víctimas de conflictos armados en Ucrania oriental. Political Questions, 39(71), 334-349.
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