Stratagems of political and legal development of Ukraine: problems of actualization and scientific comprehension

Keywords: deoligarquization, civil society, political and legal development strategy, formation of the State, political development


The aim of the article is to consider the priority areas of state policy and outline initiatives that are of strategic importance to Ukraine. The research topic is state programs (strategic initiatives) in the field of education and science, security and defense, information that will provide the opportunity to lay the foundation for positive changes in society. The study applies methods of scientific knowledge such as the dialectical method, the monographic method, the methods of analysis and synthesis, the system and structural method, the grouping and classification method, the abstract and logical method. The reasons, factors and processes that led to Ukraine’s prolonged stay under the influence of oligarchic capital are investigated. In addition, they consider the prerequisites for the preservation of elites that hinder the democratic development of the Ukrainian state. It is concluded that the introduction of democratic institutions in post-totalitarian countries requires, first of all, a concentration of efforts in the fields of education and science, information policy, national security and defense.


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Author Biographies

Volodymyr Tarasyuk, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Candidate of Political Sciences, Researcher at Volodymyr Koretskyi Institute of State and Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Elina Morhunova , National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Post-graduate student of Volodymyr Koretskyi Institute of State and Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Dmytro Drobotun, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Post-graduate student of Volodymyr Koretskyi Institute of State and Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Olena Stoyko, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Doctor of Political Sciences, Leading Researcher at Volodymyr Koretskyi Institute of State and Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Olena Chyzhova, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

Candidate of Political Sciences, Professor of the Department of Public Management and International Relations of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University.  Ukraine


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How to Cite
Tarasyuk, V., Morhunova , E., Drobotun, D., Stoyko, O., & Chyzhova, O. (2021). Stratagems of political and legal development of Ukraine: problems of actualization and scientific comprehension. Political Questions, 39(70), 784-799.
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