Detection and Extraction of Electronic Information During Investigative (Search) Actions Under Ukrainian Legislation
The article provides a comprehensive study of the features of detection and seizure of electronic information during investigative (search) actions under the laws of Ukraine. The methodological basis of the scientific article is the complex application of general scientific and special methods of scientific knowledge in their relationship, selected considering the purpose and objectives of the study, its object and subject. It is noted that the following information, which is contained in the form of electronic-digital mappings, can be obtained during investigative (search) actions, covert investigative (search) actions, as well as during temporary access to things and documents as a measure of criminal proceedings. It is established that the process of reviewing electronic documents in general corresponds to the generally accepted algorithm of actions: search and detection of documents; visual inspection of the external state without changing the conditions of perception; fixation; detection of handprints; detection of traces of changes in the original content; preparation for packaging; packaging. It is substantiated that the involvement of a computer technician in the investigation, search, other procedural actions, aimed at solving the problems of contextual information retrieval, detection of electronic document management programs, viewing the history of visits to Internet browsers.
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