Criminal Prosecution of Persons Who Have Committed Crimes in The Banking Sector

Keywords: bank offences, criminal prosecution, pre-trial proceedings, termination of criminal proceedings, Russian Federation


The objective of the article was to analyze the process of criminal prosecution of people accused of committing crimes against the banking sector in the Russian Federation. Detecting such crimes, identifying the people who committed them in and compensating for the damages caused by such acts is the most difficult task for law enforcement officials in Russia. The most important part of these activities are procedural questions about the timing of the commencement of criminal proceedings and the procedure for their implementation in pre-trial proceedings. The methodological basis of this research is formed by the processing of the results of criminal cases, the results of surveys of researchers and detectives, members of the educational and methodological group of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The authors have proposed the drafting of article 5, paragraph 55, of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation and its corresponding amendments to article 11. It is concluded that these contributions will make it possible to carry out the procedural work on compensation for damages caused by a crime in a much more effective manner.


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Author Biographies

Viktor Victorovich Pushkarev, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia.

Lyudmila Nikolaevna Poselskaya, Moscow University

Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named by V.Ya. Kikot, Moscow, Russia.

Anna Vladilenovna Skachko, North Caucasus branch of the Russian Academy of Justice

Doctor of law, Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure Law of the North Caucasus branch of the Russian Academy of Justice, Krasnodar, Russia.

Anatoly Vyacheslavovich Tarasov, North-Caucasus branch of Russian University of Justice

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Honoured Lawyer of Kuban, Associate Professor at the Department of Criminal Procedure Law, North-Caucasus branch of Russian University of Justice, Krasnodar, Russia.

Leyla Sasikbekovna Mutalieva, St. Petersburg University

St. Petersburg University of State Fire Service of Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russia.


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How to Cite
Pushkarev, V. V., Poselskaya, L. N., Skachko, A. V., Tarasov, A. V., & Mutalieva, L. S. (2021). Criminal Prosecution of Persons Who Have Committed Crimes in The Banking Sector. Political Questions, 39(69), 395-406.
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