Marx, Marxism, and the problem of eurocentrism

  • Thomas Jeffrey MILEY University of Cambridge
Keywords: Marx, Marxism, Eurocentrism, Colonialism, Decoloniality


This article sets out to review and evaluate the charge of Eurocentrism frequently levelled against Marx and Marxism.  The essay begins with an assessment of Esteban Torres’s recent attempt to at least partially acquit Marx and Marxism of this charge.  It relates Torres’s discussion of the problem to broader polemics surrounding the topic.  It hones in on debates about Marx’s evolving views on European colonialism, and its relationship to capitalism.  It pays special attention to the postcolonial critiques advanced by Edward Said and Dipesh Chakrabarty, as well as to more recent decolonial critiques advanced by Walter Mignolo and Ramón Grosfoguel.  It also considers Marxist responses to these.  It concludes with a revindication of the contributions of heterodox “Third World Marxists” such as Frantz Fanon and Aimé Césaire, arguing that what is at work in such figures thinking from and for the Global South is not a logic of diffusion, imitation, and mimicry, but rather, can be more accurately portrayed as translation, reinvention, and creative appropriation.

Author Biography

Thomas Jeffrey MILEY, University of Cambridge

Is an Associate Professor of Political Sociology at the University of Cambridge. He is a member of the Grupo de Trabajo CLACSO Teoría Social y Realidad Latinoamericana, and a patron of Peace in Kurdistan. His work focuses on struggles for self-determination in the 21st century. His most recent publications include “Lessons from Rojava for the Paradigm of Social Ecology,” Front. Pol. Sci. (10 Jan 2022); “Representative Democracy and the Democratic Confederal Project: Reflections on the Transformation of the Kurdish Movement in Turkey, in C. Gunes, The Political Representation of the Kurds in Turkey (London: I.B. Tauris, 2020), pp.131-160; and “Conflict in Catalonia: A Sociological Approximation,” Genealogy 3(4), 2019, pp.1-27.


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How to Cite
MILEY, T. (2023). Marx, Marxism, and the problem of eurocentrism. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 28(101), e7768625. Retrieved from