From methodological to theoretical nationalism. Problems and challenges of the World Paradigm
The critique of "methodological nationalism" constitutes an important advance in the attempt to elaborate a theory of world society adequate to our socio-historical reality. However, I argue that this is not enough if “theoretical nationalism”, which consists in assuming that globality is formed in the interaction or interplay between regions and / or states, is not disputed at all. This assumption is in opposition to the idea of “one” world society as postulates the existence of a plurality of regional and national societies. Beyond the fact that this conception may be acceptable within the framework of the epistemological and methodological openness enabled by the “World Paradigm”, we point out a set of analytical dilemmas that arise from it. My thesis is that it is necessary to overcome this regionalist worldview to advance not only in a more adequate theory of world society, but also to a better understanding of the way in which inter-regional inequalities are produced and reproduced.
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