Stationary phase evaluation in SARA separation of two crudes oils from Barinas sub-basin, Venezuela.

  • B. Leal Universidad Central de Venezuela
  • M. Freites Fundación Instituto de estudios Avanzados Idea-Venezuela
  • E. Bracho Universidad Central de Venezuela
  • M. Martínez Universidad Central de Venezuela
  • L. López 3PDVSA Occidente, Tecnológico Tamare-Venezuela
Palabras clave: SARA, stationary phase, oil, liquid chromatography, biomarker


An evaluation was made of several stationary phases in a SARA separation of two oils from Barinas sub-basin. The SARA analytical device used was on column liquid-solid chromatography. Different pro- portions and packing of silica and alumina were used as stationary phases. Variations in the saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons relationships were obtained when the proportions of silica and alumina stationary phases were modified, while the resins concentration didn”™t show any variation. After the analysis of saturate biomarkers and aromatic markers, it was revealed that only the monoaromatic steroids presented differences when the stationary phase was changed.


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Cómo citar
Leal, B., Freites, M., Bracho, E., Martínez, M. y López, L. (1) «Stationary phase evaluation in SARA separation of two crudes oils from Barinas sub-basin, Venezuela.», Revista Técnica de la Facultad de Ingeniería. Universidad del Zulia, 34(3). Disponible en: (Accedido: 2julio2024).
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