Electrochemical behaviour of carbon steel in oil (kerosene) in water emulsion in stagnation conditions

  • Darío Yesid Peña Ballesteros Universidad Industrial de Santander-Colombia
  • Clemente Retamoso Universidad Industrial de Santander-Colombia
  • Custodio Vásquez Universidad Industrial de Santander-Colombia
Palabras clave: oil in water emulsions, carbon steel, corrosion, electrochemical impedance technique


Oil in water emulsions, which contain water as a continuous phase, show good conditions to allow a flow of electric current. Therefore, the corrosion process may be promoted for this kind of system. This study point out results obtained in an interface of kerosene in water emulsion and carbon steel; where the kerosene-water ratio varies from 0 to 70%. The emulsion was in stagnated conditions during the tests. The results were analyzed with the electrochemical impedance technique and the behaviour of the metalemulsion interface represent using equivalent circuits under the different conditions tested. The corrosion type was uniform without any evidence of localized attack due to kerosene contents.


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Cómo citar
Peña Ballesteros, D. Y., Retamoso, C. y Vásquez, C. (1) «Electrochemical behaviour of carbon steel in oil (kerosene) in water emulsion in stagnation conditions», Revista Técnica de la Facultad de Ingeniería. Universidad del Zulia, 25(2). Disponible en: https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/tecnica/article/view/5781 (Accedido: 19febrero2025).
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