Enterovirus detected by PCR in the effluent of a treatment system to be employed in irrigation. Preliminary study

  • Sabina Guastadisegni Universidad del Zulia-Venezuela
  • Leticia Porto Universidad del Zulia-Venezuela
  • Diana Callejas Universidad del Zulia-Venezuela
  • Ligia Botero Universidad del Zulia-Venezuela
Palabras clave: enteroviruses, PCR, wastewater, stabilization lagoons


It was studied, using the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique, the presence of enteroviruses in the final effluent of a system of stabilization lagoons for treal ment of water that will be employed in irrigation. Enteroviruses were determined in 11 of 20 samples. The presence of enteroviruses in the final effluent ratifies the necessity of evaluation of these treatment systems, with the purpose of guaranteeing the quality of the water.


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Cómo citar
Guastadisegni, S., Porto, L., Callejas, D. y Botero, L. (1) «Enterovirus detected by PCR in the effluent of a treatment system to be employed in irrigation. Preliminary study», Rev. Téc. Fac. Ing. Univ. Zulia, 25(1). Disponible en: https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/tecnica/article/view/5759 (Accedido: 16marzo2025).
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