Passivity-based controller for chemical processes

  • Osear Camacho Universidad de Los Andes-Venezuela
  • Rubén Rojas Universidad de Los Andes-Venezuela
  • Alpha Pernía Espinoza Universidad de Los Andes-Venezuela
  • Mercedes Pérez de la Parte Universidad de Sevilla-España
Palabras clave: Passivity-based control, nonlinear chemical processes, dead-time


This paper presents the development of a Passivity -Based Controller (PBCr) from a Firsl-OrderPlus-Dead-Time model of the process. This approach results in a fixed structure controller that depends on the characteristic parameters of the model. This allows a unique controller of adjustable parameters that can be used in several processes. Computer simulations on a nonlinear chemical process judge the controller performance. The simulation results showed effectiveness and good performance for the studied case.


Cómo citar
Camacho, O., Rojas, R., Pernía Espinoza, A. y Pérez de la Parte, M. (1) «Passivity-based controller for chemical processes», Rev. Téc. Fac. Ing. Univ. Zulia, 25(1). Disponible en: (Accedido: 17marzo2025).
Artículos de Investigación