The Shortage of Peer Reviewers: A Challenge for Quality and Scientific Ethics

Keywords: Text review, Scientific journal, Document evaluation, Quality of education


Peer review is essential in scientific publishing, ensuring the quality and originality of the work. However, there is a growing shortage of reviewers due to the increase in publications, the pressure to publish, and the lack of recognition. This causes delays in reviews, affecting the quality of research. The objective of this work is to briefly discuss and propose sustainable solutions to ensure the viability and quality of the peer review system and, consequently, of scientific research.


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Author Biographies

Oskarly Pérez-Anaya, University of Magdalena, Santa Marta, Colombia.

Professor, Nursing and Psychology Programs, University of Magdalena, Santa Marta, Colombia.

Midian Clara Castillo-Pedraza, University of Magdalena, Santa Marta, Colombia

Professor, Dentistry Program, University of Magdalena, Santa Marta, Colombia

Jorge Homero Wilches-Visbal, University of Magdalena, Santa Marta, Colombia

Professor, Dentistry and Medicine Programs, University of Magdalena, Santa Marta, Colombia


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How to Cite
Pérez-Anaya, O., Castillo-Pedraza, M. C., & Wilches-Visbal, J. H. (2025). The Shortage of Peer Reviewers: A Challenge for Quality and Scientific Ethics. Journal of the University of Zulia , 16(45), 3-6.