Blood pressure in school children in Táchira State - Venezuela and its association with body mass index
Objectives: To evaluate blood pressure (BP) in schoolchildren in the state of Táchira and investigate its association with body mass index (BMI), as they are cardiovascular risk factors. Methods: 84 schoolchildren were studied, 9.05 ± 1.36 years, 57.14% female, 42.86% male. BP, anthropometric measures were taken; BMI calculation. Considering overweight BMI >p90, obesity >p97 by Venezuelan curves; ≥p90 prehypertension, hypertension 1 ≥p95, using adapted NHBPEP values. Results: 3.6% had systolic prehypertension, elevated diastolic BP 4.8% (3.6% prehypertension and 1.2% stage 1 hypertension). There was a positive and significant correlation between BMI and BP (p = 0.0001). BP ≥p90 was observed in 28.6% of obese children versus 4.8% of normal weight. There was no association of BMI and BP with gender or age. Conclusions: BP was elevated in schoolchildren, showing statistical association between high BP and excess BMI, both cause organ damage, hence the importance of their assessment, detection and early intervention.
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