The procedure to measure the demand supply balance in tourism destinations
The meeting between demand and supply takes place in the tourism market and when
applicants and suppliers meet, an equilibrium or balance of the market is archived. The present investigation refers to an analytical study that applies the deductive scientific method and the critical evaluation of the consulted documents, elaborated from scientific articles published in indexed journal and in other primary and secondary sources. A procedure is developed simultaneously measure demand and supply in a tourism destination, which allows establishing a balance or equilibrium, in order to favor the growth of the sector, after the significant decline created by the Covid 19 pandemic. The conclusions highlight the importance of the procedure to measure the trends of both indicators and the project themselves in order to draw adequate strategies and control mechanisms for the analysis of the demand supply balance based on scientific criteria, by the actors, managers and interest groups in the territories, which makes it possible in the short or medium term to increase tourism activity and walk towards the achievement of success in the world tourism sector.
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