Universidad autónoma venezolana: Perspectiva gerencial de una organización social
Venezuelan Autonomous University: Managerial perspective of a social organization
The 21st century has been characterized by the tendency to observe reality from an integral and humanistic perspective, as part of man's own evolution in his relationship with the environment, including in that observation the organizational sphere. Considering this scenario, an investigation was developed to reveal the meaning of the Venezuelan autonomous university as a social organization from the perspective of its management (governing authorities), which was framed in the interpretive paradigm, following the steps of the qualitative approach, the hermeneutic method and content analysis as a working technique. In order to obtain the required information, binding theoretical references were considered and public access institutional documents related directly to seven representatives of the national autonomous universities were located, who formed the units of analysis, emerging the categories: autonomy, commitment, community, duty, power of unit, university and values, basing the reliability of the study on a triangulation of data and theory. The findings allowed us to conclude that the Venezuelan autonomous university, despite its complicated current situation, can be defined as a transcendent, democratic and autonomous social organization, being considered managerially as the historical cradle of free and plural thought, with the capacity to adapt to changes.
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