Revisión contextual para la interpretación del análisis de riesgo geopolítico
Contextual review for the interpretation of geopolitical risk analysis
Geopolitical risk shows an essential role in the international field. This document identifies some of the main components that can be used in geopolitical risk analysis as an object of study within international business. Likewise, a proposal is built that exposes the main factors and aspects that must be taken into account at a theoretical level within this type of studies. In this way, at a methodological level, a descriptive research focused on the production of scientific literature on the behavior of geopolitical risk analysis is proposed, in order to contextualize the relevance of this issue. Then, in the results, publications in this field, prominent authors, as well as research areas are identified and a compendium of indicators is also built that can be useful, as a tool for measuring geopolitical risk analysis, in the process of taking decision-making within international business. It is concluded that the present object of study becomes more and more important for internationalized companies and that its multidisciplinary condition affects the creation of various methodologies that make decision-making more effective.
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