Administración de operaciones y su impacto en el desempeño de las empresas
Operations management and its impact on the performance of companies
The fast-paced business world demands a continuous adaptation of operations management techniques in the functional areas of companies and a better understanding of the impact on performance, to allow professionals to improve management and decision-making techniques. This research aims to examine the use of operations management techniques and their impact on the performance of companies. The methodology used has a quantitative approach, for which 317 surveys were carried out to managers in manufacturing companies in the Aguascalientes region, Mexico. The operations management variable was measured by four dimensions: distribution and care of the company, continuous improvement of processes, production control and materials management. To examine the data, a correlation analysis was performed and a linear regression was carried out to measure the impact between variables. The results showed that the use of operations management techniques positively impacts the performance of the surveyed companies, but at an elementary level. It is concluded that it represents a foundation of the situation of companies that require greater adoption of knowledge management in contexts, to increase their performance, and compete with foreign global companies.
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