Resiliencia para la promoción de la salud en la crisis Covid-19 en España/ Resilience for health promotion in the Covid-19 crisis in Spain
El SARS-CoV-2 (en adelante, COVID-19) ha generado un impacto sin precedentes en la sociedad española a nivel sanitario y social. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar en qué medida factores sanitarios, sociales y psicológicos se relacionan con resiliencia durante la pandemia en la población española. Se realizó un estudio cuantitativo y cross sectional y se aplicó un cuestionario creado ad hoc de 43 preguntas cerradas en formato online, a una muestra de 3.436 personas residentes en España durante la segunda prórroga del Estado de Alarma. Se ajustó un modelo lineal mixto con intersección aleatoria, estimado bajo un enfoque bayesiano. Los resultados muestran asociaciones positivas entre resiliencia y presentar sintomatología de COVID-19 (principalmente en hombres), así como haber sufrido fallecimientos en sus entornos. Asimismo, se obtienen relaciones negativas entre resiliencia y enfermedad previa diagnosticada, experimentar malestar emocional y estar desempleado a consecuencia de la actual pandemia, siendo este último efecto relevante principalmente entre los hombres. El factor género no influyó en la resiliencia, excepto en los casos señalados. El estudio permite concluir que identificar factores de riesgo sanitarios, sociales y psicológicos que inciden en la vulnerabilidad poblacional deben ser considerados en la planificación de políticas para afrontar la crisis actual.
SARS-CoV-2 (hereinafter, COVID-19) has generated an unprecedented impact on Spanish society at a health and social level. The objective of this study is to analyze to what extent health, social and psychological factors are related to resilience during the pandemic in the Spanish population. A quantitative and cross-sectional study was carried out and an ad hoc questionnaire of 43 closed questions was applied in online format, to a sample of 3,436 people residing in Spain during the second extension of the State of Alarm. A mixed linear model with random intersection was fitted, estimated under a Bayesian approach. The results show positive associations between resilience and presenting symptoms of COVID-19 (mainly in men), as well as having suffered deaths in their surroundings. Likewise, negative relationships are obtained between resilience and a previously diagnosed disease, experiencing emotional distress and being unemployed as a result of the current pandemic, the latter effect being relevant mainly among men. The gender factor did not influence resilience, except in the cases indicated. The study allows us to conclude that identifying health, social and psychological risk factors that affect population vulnerability should be considered in planning policies to face the current crisis.
Keywords: Resilience; public health; vulnerability; emotional well-being; SAVD-19 coronavirus.
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