Uropatógenos multirresistentes y con resistencia extendida a los antimicrobianos aislados en pacientes adultos de la comunidad de Barinas, Venezuela.

Multidrug-resistant and extensively antimicrobial-resistant uropathogens isolated from adult patients in Barinas, Venezuela.

Keywords: urinary infection, uropathogens, antimicrobial-resistance, multidrug-resistance, extensive-drug resistance


This study aimed to determine the frequency of multidrug-resistant (MDR) and extensively drug-resistant (XDR) uropathogens isolated from adult patients in Barinas City, Venezuela, in 2022. Of 1019 urine cultures from patients who attended the Barinas Clinical Microbiological Laboratory, 337 (33.07%) were selected according to inclusion criteria. The microbiological processing of urine was carried out through conventional methods. Antimicrobial susceptibility tests and extended-spectrum beta-lactamase determination were performed using standardized phenotypic methods. The classification of MDR and XDR strains was conducted according to international criteria. Data were processed through descriptive statistics and frequency analysis. Of 337 urine cultures analyzed, 70.92% corresponded to female patients, and the age groups between 31 and 60 years were the most frequent. Of the uropathogens identified, 93.17% were represented by Enterobacterales, where Escherichia coli stood out with 87.54%, followed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (2.67%) and Enterococcus faecalis (1.48%). Of the E. coli strains, 87.12% presented resistance to at least one antibiotic, with 46.78% MDR and 5.42% XDR. In general, more than half of the uropathogens identified were distributed either as MDR or XDR phenotypes. The results show the need to develop local research to improve empirical and targeted therapies in urinary tract infections, in addition to awareness actions for the rational use of antibiotics and epidemiological surveillance of multiresistant strains circulating in the region.


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How to Cite
Salazar, P., & Araque, M. (2023). Uropatógenos multirresistentes y con resistencia extendida a los antimicrobianos aislados en pacientes adultos de la comunidad de Barinas, Venezuela.: Multidrug-resistant and extensively antimicrobial-resistant uropathogens isolated from adult patients in Barinas, Venezuela. Investigación Clínica, 64(4), 524-532. https://doi.org/10.54817/IC.v64n4a9