Individual criminal behavior in the context of resocialization of the individual

Keywords: crime, punishment, resocialization, personality of the perpetrator, individual criminal behavior


The goal is to investigate the reasons and specific features of individual criminal behavior in the context of the perpetrator's resocialization based on the analysis of the views and theories on causality in crime found in the current doctrine. The study analyzes Kh.D. Alikperov's substantiation of the existence of individual criminal behavior as an objective historical pattern that emerged long before state and law presented at a conversation at the St. Petersburg International Criminology Club (Russia). The paper criticizes the idea of objective reasons for individual criminal behavior and the objective nature of frustrated human needs as the leading cause of crime. Through an analysis of crime statistics, doctrinal views, and personal experience, the authors formulate a conclusion about a complex interplay of biological and social factors that results in the formation of a person's individual life program, which determines (or predetermines) the possibility of criminal behavior. Throughout the person's life, their life program may change both due to their influence and under the influence of others. The processes of socialization and resocialization take place throughout the person's life. Finally, substantiation is given to the proposition that investigation of the causes of individual criminal behavior should be the basis for individuals' resocialization.


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Author Biographies

Nadezhda Krainova , Universidad Estatal de Sebastopol, Sebastopol, Rusia.

Candidato_de_Ciencias en Jurisprudencia, Docente, Universidad Estatal de Sebastopol, Sebastopol, Rusia.

Irina Gaag, Universidad Estatal de Sebastopol, Sebastopol, Rusia.

Candidato_de_Ciencias en Jurisprudencia, Universidad Estatal de Sebastopol, Sebastopol, Rusia.

Sergey Zaporozhets , Universidad Estatal de Sebastopol, Sebastopol, Rusia.

Candidato de Ciencias en Política, Universidad Estatal de Sebastopol, Sebastopol, Rusia.

Georgy Dyatlov, Universidad Estatal de Sebastopol, Sebastopol, Rusia.

Candidato_de_Ciencias en Jurisprudencia, Universidad Estatal de Sebastopol, Sebastopol, Rusia.

Emil Galimov, Universidad Estatal de Sebastopol, Sebastopol, Rusia.

Candidato_de_Ciencias en Jurisprudencia, Universidad Estatal de Sebastopol, Sebastopol, Rusia.


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How to Cite
Krainova , N., Gaag, I., Zaporozhets , S., Dyatlov, G., & Galimov, E. (2024). Individual criminal behavior in the context of resocialization of the individual. Interacción Y Perspectiva, 14(3), 716-727.