New properties of even perfect numbers and the mathematical reasons that suggest there are no odd perfect numbers

Keywords: Euler's phi function, even perfect numbers, odd perfect numbers, triangular numbers, hexagonal numbers


In this article, the aim is to review the already known properties of even perfect
numbers, related to triangularity, hexagonality and other characteristics, in order to
propose new properties of even perfect numbers, generating increasingly remarkable
relationships with respect to the powers of two and Mersenne numbers, both prime
and non-prime and with Euler's phi function, which decrease the possibility of the
existence of an odd perfect number. From studying the implications of these properties
in relation to the existence of the supposed odd perfect numbers, a series of questions
and aspects arise that show that it is impossible for an odd perfect number to exist. To
do this, an analysis of the factors that would have to exist separately is carried out and
compared with the factors associated with the nature of the perfect pairs, which allows
us to infer that in none of the cases are there elements that can support their existence.


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How to Cite
Villarroel, A., & Villarroel, F. (2023). New properties of even perfect numbers and the mathematical reasons that suggest there are no odd perfect numbers. Impacto Científico, 18(1), 129-162. Retrieved from