Components of quality and customer satisfaction: Theoretical approaches in tourism companies in Los Ríos Province, Ecuador

  • Irma Gaibor García
Keywords: quality components;, customer satisfaction;, needs;, tourism companies


In today's world, companies have had to understand that customer satisfaction is
a vital factor to consider if they want to maintain and survive in such a competitive
market. From this perspective, the present article aims to carry out a critical analysis
on the quality components that determine the satisfaction of the clients of tourism
companies, supported by a documentary-type methodology, under a pure bibliographic
design. The analysis of the different points of view of the reviewed bibliography shows
that it is a necessity for companies to apply quality components in order to satisfy
customers' needs and gain a foothold in the market.


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How to Cite
Gaibor García, I. (2021). Components of quality and customer satisfaction: Theoretical approaches in tourism companies in Los Ríos Province, Ecuador. Impacto Científico, 16(1), 43-53. Retrieved from