Objects of intellectual property rights created by artificial intelligence: international legal regulation

  • Pavlo Voitovych National University «Odesa Law Academy ".
  • Kateryna Bondarenko National University "Odesa Maritime Academy". 
  • Ruslan Ennan National University «Odesa Law Academy». 
  • Alina Havlovska Kherson State University.
  • Vladyslav Shliienko National University "Odesa Law Academy". 
Keywords: artificial intelligence, objects of intellectual property law, international legal regulation, robotics, Berne Convention


In modern conditions of development of public relations, the creation of objects of intellectual property rights by artificial intelligence is becoming more widespread. With this in mind, it is important to analyse the international legal experience of regulating the use of artificial intelligence as the author of intellectual property, to further borrow it for domestic laws, as well as to pay attention to problematic aspects of such regulation and make proposals to resolve inconsistencies. The study clarifies the international legal regulation of intellectual property rights created by artificial intelligence, as well as analyses the problematic issues of regulation of artificial intelligence by international law and the features of such regulation in Ukraine and presents positions on the development of artificial intelligence systems and prospects, as well as the prospects for its impact on world society.


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Author Biographies

Pavlo Voitovych , National University «Odesa Law Academy ".

Ph.D., Ass. Professor of the Department of International and European law, National University «Odesa Law Academy ".

Kateryna Bondarenko , National University "Odesa Maritime Academy". 

Ph.D., Ass. Professor of the Common legal disciplines department of the National University "Odesa Maritime Academy". 

Ruslan Ennan, National University «Odesa Law Academy». 

Ph. D., Ass. Professor of Department of Intellectual Property Law and Corporate Law of National University «Odesa Law Academy». 

Alina Havlovska , Kherson State University.

Ph.D., Ass. Professor of the Department of Branch Law, Kherson State University.

Vladyslav Shliienko , National University "Odesa Law Academy". 

Ph.D. candidate of the Department of International and European law, National University "Odesa Law Academy". 


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How to Cite
Voitovych , P., Bondarenko , K., Ennan, R., Havlovska , A., & Shliienko , V. (2021). Objects of intellectual property rights created by artificial intelligence: international legal regulation. Political Questions, 39(68), 505-519. Retrieved from https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/cuestiones/article/view/35432
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