Artificial Intelligence: An Intelligible Future

  • Jorge Fymark Vidovic López Revista Clío
Keywords: artificial intelligence; intelligible future; telematics; COVID-19; human action


As an editorial, this short essay aimed to reflect on the present and future of artificial intelligence, in the context of the pandemic of the new coronavirus. It is based on the hypothesis that observes in artificial intelligence a factor of the first order that has    accelerated the technological s processes, which in turn drive continuous improvements in all fields of human action. However, despite its many benefits, it is concluded, on the one hand, that this form of non-human intelligence will increasingly play an important role in all cultural, labour, military and recreational human relations and; on the other hand, that modern and civilized nations therefore have a moral duty to create l eyes that establish mechanisms of regulation and balance between artificial intelligence and human condition, as a condition of possibility so that its widespread use does not become a distinction in the style of what was planted at the time by some sci-fi narratives, in film and literature.   


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Author Biography

Jorge Fymark Vidovic López, Revista Clío
PhD in Education from UNERMB, director of Clío magazine.


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How to Cite
Vidovic López, J. F. (2021). Artificial Intelligence: An Intelligible Future. Political Questions, 39(68), 16-20. Retrieved from