Improving the State Regulatory System of the Agribusiness

  • Zoya Ivanovna Latysheva Kursk State Agricultural I.I. Ivanov Academy
  • Elena Viktorovna Skripkina Kursk State Agricultural I.I. Ivanov Academy
  • Natalia Alekseevna Kopteva Kursk State Agricultural I.I. Ivanov Academy
  • Dmitri Ivanovich Zhilyakov Kursk State Agricultural I.I. Ivanov Academy
  • Andrey Igorevich Nikiforov Moscow State Institute of International Relations
Palabras clave: state regulation of agribusiness, parity economy, state guarantees, farming, agricultural products.


The article aims to improve the state agribusiness regulatory system. It is established that the state regulatory system for agribusiness must be based on the application of a reasonable protectionism policy, guaranteeing food security through a system of tariffs and customs taxes on imported food products. The authors demonstrate the need to create a favorable climate for foreign investors, establish joint ventures in the agricultural business, provide state guarantees to foreign creditors by importing advanced equipment and technology, as well as finance key areas of science on business problems. agricultural. The theoretical and methodological basis of this study is an abstract logical method, induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis and systematization methods; as well as the statistical, economic and graphic methods used to study the levels and trends of change in the parameters of agricultural development in the current stage. In conclusion, it is revealed that parities in agricultural prices must include parity with consumer prices. for rural residents. The wages of employees in rural areas must guarantee the reproduction of the labor force and the development of the social sphere.


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Biografía del autor/a

Zoya Ivanovna Latysheva, Kursk State Agricultural I.I. Ivanov Academy
Professor in Kursk State Agricultural I.I. Ivanov Academy
Elena Viktorovna Skripkina, Kursk State Agricultural I.I. Ivanov Academy
Professor in Kursk State Agricultural I.I. Ivanov Academy
Natalia Alekseevna Kopteva, Kursk State Agricultural I.I. Ivanov Academy
Professor in Kursk State Agricultural I.I. Ivanov Academy
Dmitri Ivanovich Zhilyakov, Kursk State Agricultural I.I. Ivanov Academy
Professor in Kursk State Agricultural I.I. Ivanov Academy
Andrey Igorevich Nikiforov, Moscow State Institute of International Relations
Professor in Moscow State Institute of International Relations


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Cómo citar
Latysheva, Z. I., Skripkina, E. V., Kopteva, N. A., Zhilyakov, D. I., & Nikiforov, A. I. (2020). Improving the State Regulatory System of the Agribusiness. Cuestiones Políticas, 37(65), 116-126. Recuperado a partir de
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