Identification of regions associated to the late blight resistance and viruses in potato germplasm using molecular markers

  • Ariadne Vegas García Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIAP). Estación Experimental Santo Domingo. Km 38 vía Santo Domingo – Quinindé. Cantón La Concordia. Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas. Ecuador. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas (INIA), Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (CENIAP). Unidad de Biotecnología Vegetal, INIACENIAP, Apartado Postal 5653, Maracay 2101, Venezuela.
  • Yanet Sandrea Rincón† Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas (INIA), Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (CENIAP). Unidad de Biotecnología Vegetal, INIACENIAP, Apartado Postal 5653, Maracay 2101, Venezuela.
  • Asia Zambrano† Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas (INIA), Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (CENIAP). Unidad de Biotecnología Vegetal, INIACENIAP, Apartado Postal 5653, Maracay 2101, Venezuela.
  • Lourdes González Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas (INIA), Centro de Investigaciones Agropecuarias del Estado Mérida, Venezuela.
  • Martha Osorio Centro de Agroecología, Instituto de Ciencias, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. Edificio VAL 1 , km 1.7 carretera a San Baltazar Tétela, C.P. 72960, San Pedro Zacachimalpa, Puebla, México.
  • Guillermo Trujillo Applied Biotecnology Laboratory. International Potato Center (CIP). P.O. Box 1558, Lima 12, Perú.
  • Jorge Peralta Calle Universidad Agraria del Ecuador, sede Guayaquil. Av. 25 de julio. Guayaquil 090104. Ecuador.
Keywords: Oomycete, Phytophthora infestans, PLRV, PYV, Solanum tuberosum


The combination of traits of economic interest in new potato cultivars, such as resistance to late blight, viral diseases, and culinary quality are important to achieve their adoption by farmers. In the present work, molecular markers were used to identify regions associated to late blight, the viruses PVY and PLRV resistance, in 50 materials belonging to the National Institute of Agricultural Research (INIA-Venezuela): commercial cultivars, differentials of blight, advanced clones from CIP and hybrids from the Fundación PROINPA of Bolivia. DNA extraction was carried out from vitroplants and known microsatellite, SCAR and CAPS molecular markers were used. Among 96 to 26% of the accessions amplified regions of the QTL tbr of chromosome XII, associated with resistance to blight. Only the differential R9 and crc2/P8 from PROINPA amplified the R1 gene region. Between 18 and 68% of the genotypes presented the regions associated with the PVY and PLRV resistance genes (Ryadg and N genes), respectively; only 10% amplified both regions; while in 24% these genes were not detected, among them are the commercial varieties Granola, Andinita and Cartayita. This study generated valuable information to support genebank curators and breeders in potato genetic improvement programs of this country.


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How to Cite
Vegas García, A., Sandrea Rincón†, Y., Zambrano†, A., González, L., Osorio, M., Trujillo, G., & Peralta Calle, J. (2022). Identification of regions associated to the late blight resistance and viruses in potato germplasm using molecular markers. Revista De La Facultad De Agronomía De La Universidad Del Zulia, 39(3), e223935. Retrieved from
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