Analysis of Modular and Rhythmic Members in Design Masterpieces

  • Rustem Faritovich MIRKHASANOV Kazan Federal University. Russia
  • Elena Evgenevna IVANOVA Kazan Federal University. Russia
  • Liliya Rashidovna MUKHARLYAMOVA Kazan Federal University. Russia
  • Zanfira Yagsupovna MISKICHEKOVA Osh State University. Kirguistán
Palabras clave: Analogues, composition, free copy, modernization of education, schematic graphic analysis. / Análisis gráfico esquemático, análogos, composición, copia gratuita, modernización de la educación.




The article is devoted to the description of the practical and theoretical development of the formal sphere and will be useful for practitioners, theorists of design art, students, future designers. But this is impossible without extensive and solid knowledge of the objective, evolutionary development of form in the visual arts. We see one of the solutions to this problem as developed by the authors of the analytical schematic tasks presented in this article. Thus, thanks to the analysis of formal components in the creative products of well-known personalities, the student will be more ready to create their own copyright works.




El artículo está dedicado a la descripción del desarrollo práctico y teórico de la esfera formal y será útil para profesionales, teóricos del arte del diseño, estudiantes, futuros diseñadores. Pero esto es imposible sin un conocimiento extenso y sólido del desarrollo objetivo y evolutivo de la forma en las artes visuales. Vemos una de las soluciones a este problema desarrollada por los autores de las tareas analíticas esquemáticas presentadas en este artículo. Por lo tanto, gracias al análisis de componentes formales en los productos creativos de personalidades conocidas, el estudiante estará más preparado para crear sus propios trabajos con derechos de autor.

Biografía del autor/a

Rustem Faritovich MIRKHASANOV, Kazan Federal University. Russia
born in 1969. In 2003 he graduated from Moscow State Art Institute named after V.I.Surikov in Moscow, specializing in Painting, Easel painting - workshop Andronova N.I. Nikonova P.F. Honors degree. Qualification: specialist. The theme of the thesis is Diptych. Sabantuy. Kazan Kremlin. Graduated from the Moscow State University named after Sholokhov. Member of more than 24 exhibitions in Moscow. Member of the Ministry of Agriculture since 2006; Medal "For the Development of Fine Arts" 2012; Internship in 2003 at the HdK Institute; workshop of Professor Heinrich Dreidoppel in Berlin. Senior Lecturer, Department of Design and National Arts, IFMK KFU. Interests: a schematic compositional analysis of the works of the classics of fine art and design, painting, propaedeutics, design.
Elena Evgenevna IVANOVA, Kazan Federal University. Russia
born in 1963. In 1988 she graduated from Kazan State Pedagogical University. Specialty: Geography. Qualification: specialist. In 2017, she underwent retraining in the direction: Modern methods of design education. Conducting professional activities in the field of design education. Senior Lecturer, Department of Design and National Arts, IFMK KFU. Research interests: ethnology, ethnography, culture of the peoples of the world.
Liliya Rashidovna MUKHARLYAMOVA, Kazan Federal University. Russia
born in 1984. Candidate of Philology. In 2010 she defended her thesis on the topic: “Linguoculturological field of time in the paramies of the Russian language (in the mirror of the paratrias of the Tatar and English languages)”. Associate Professor of the Department of Language and Intercultural Communication IFMK KFU. Research interests: comparative study of languages, paremias.
Zanfira Yagsupovna MISKICHEKOVA, Osh State University. Kirguistán
born in 1959. In 1981 she graduated from Osh State Pedagogical Institute, direction: Philology. Qualification: Teacher of Russian language and literature. Acting Associate Professor, Department of World Literature, Faculty of Russian Philology, Osh State University. Research interests: cognitive linguistics, lexicography.


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Cómo citar
MIRKHASANOV, R. F., IVANOVA, E. E., MUKHARLYAMOVA, L. R., & MISKICHEKOVA, Z. Y. (2020). Analysis of Modular and Rhythmic Members in Design Masterpieces. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 25(1), 431-438. Recuperado a partir de