Mediation in the Multicultural Society of Kazakhstan: Tradition and Modernity

  • Y.M. ABIYEV L.N. GumilevEurasian National University. Kazakhstan
  • G.R. SHERYAZDANOVA S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University. Kazakhstan
  • B.B. BYULEGENOVA L.N. GumilevEurasian National University. Kazakhstan
  • I.S. RYSTINA L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University. Kazakhstan
  • B.A. GABDULINA L.N. GumilevEurasian National University. Kazakhstan
Palabras clave: Civic Identity, Ethnic Identity, Mediation, Multiculturalism. /Identidad cívica, identidad étnica, Mediación, multiculturalismo.




Mediation is considered as a form of pre-trial conflict settlement as exemplified by both modern mediation councils and traditional mediation institutions in  Kazakhstan. The paper considered the multiculturalism as a nation-building liberal theory that seeks the equality rights of ethnic minorities within one civic identity. Based on the analysis of the Multiculturalism Policy Index of Kazakhstan (MPI), a conclusion is drawn on the level of compliance with the rights of ethnic groups in Kazakhstan. The article investigated empirical data of the recent inter-ethnic conflicts in southeastern Kazakhstan that are used to analyze the problems and methods of resolving inter-ethnic conflicts.



La mediación se considera como una forma de solución de conflictos previa al juicio, como lo demuestran los consejos de mediación modernos y las instituciones de mediación tradicionales en Kazajstán. El documento consideraba el multiculturalismo como una teoría liberal de construcción de la nación que busca los derechos de igualdad de las minorías étnicas dentro de una identidad cívica. Basado en el análisis del Índice de Políticas de Multiculturalismo de Kazajstán (IPM), se llega a una conclusión sobre el nivel de cumplimiento de los derechos de los grupos étnicos en Kazajstán. El artículo investigó datos empíricos de los recientes conflictos interétnicos en el sureste de Kazajstán que se utilizan para analizar los problemas y métodos para resolver conflictos interétnicos.

Biografía del autor/a

Y.M. ABIYEV, L.N. GumilevEurasian National University. Kazakhstan
Yerkebulan Muratovich Abiyev is a Doctoral student of the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Journalism and Political Science, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan. The scientific research topic - inter-ethnic relations in multicultural societies, mediation issues.
G.R. SHERYAZDANOVA, S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University. Kazakhstan
Gulmira Rustemovna Sheryazdanova is a Candidate of Political Science, Associate Professor, who graduated from St. Petersburg University (Zhdanov Leningrad State University) (qualification - philosophy, specialty: teacher of social and political disciplines). She is an Associate Professor, acting as Professor of the Department of Philosophy of the S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University. She is an owner of grants of the United States Department of Education, the Bolashak International Scholarship. She is an author of more than 100 scientific works, 3 textbooks on political science and sociology, a textbook in English, monographs, and articles in international peer-reviewed journals included in the Thomson Reuters and Scopus databases. She has the Hirsch index equal to 2. Academic interest sphere: public administration, public service, quality of public service delivery, E-government as an anti-corruption strategy; measuring social identity issues: civic and ethnic identity; nation-building process in post-Soviet countries.
B.B. BYULEGENOVA, L.N. GumilevEurasian National University. Kazakhstan
Bibigul Beisenbaevna Byulegenova is an Associate Professor, Candidate of Political Science, graduated from the St. Petersburg University (Zhdanov Leningrad State University). Scientific interests: political parties, ethnopolitics, state youth policy. Courses: Theory of Elites, Political Science, Political Leadership, Social Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Author's courses: Political Leadership, Social Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.  She is an author of several textbooks, monographs, 3 articles in international peer-reviewed journals, indexed in the databases Thomson Reuters and Scopus. The Hirsch index - 2.
I.S. RYSTINA, L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University. Kazakhstan
Indira Sadybekovna Rystina is the Head of the Department of Political Science of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan. She is a the specialty "6D050200 Politology". Academic title: Associate Professor. Academic interests: political analysis, political culture, youth. Taught courses: Political Science, Theory of Politics, and Modern Computer Programs in Politics, Work with Electronic Databases, Media Business Modeling, Target Audience Management, Political Expertise, Modern World Political Science, Communication Management, and History of Political Research. Author's courses: Modern Computer Programs in Politics, Work with Electronic Databases.
B.A. GABDULINA, L.N. GumilevEurasian National University. Kazakhstan

Bagysh Akhmetovna Gabdulina is a Candidate of Historical Sciences. Academic rank: Associate Professor. She graduated from the K.D. Ushinsky Petropavlovsk Pedagogical Institute. Scientific interests: political power, public policy, anti-corruption policy. She is an owner of the scientific grant of the State Public Historical Library of the Russian Federation 2015-2018. Courses: Political Science, Ethno-Politics, Political Parties, and Party Systems, Political Power, Political Process in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Qualitative Methods of Political Research, Political Sociology, Eurasian Economic Integration, Modern International Relations, and Global Development, Social Policy, Political Theory and Expertise, State Anticorruption Policy.  Author's courses: Ethnopolitics, Priorities of Social Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, State Anticorruption Policy, etc.


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Cómo citar
ABIYEV, Y., SHERYAZDANOVA, G., BYULEGENOVA, B., RYSTINA, I., & GABDULINA, B. (2020). Mediation in the Multicultural Society of Kazakhstan: Tradition and Modernity. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 25(1), 14-22. Recuperado a partir de