Critical clues for the comprehensive assessment of the Mexican Sembrando Vida program
The development of agroecology was born as a response, by peasant and indigenous social movements, to the situation of planetary environmental devastation and increased poverty suffered by contemporary humanity. For un decade, a movement to institutionalize agroecology has been taking place, raising questions and opening debates. Since 2018, the government of Mexico (2018-2024) implemented, on a national scale, the Sembrando Vida agroecological program, aimed at mitigating rural poverty and the destruction of the environment. This essay aims to contribute to the construction of an axis of analysis of the program, which is comprehensive, critical and rests of its intrinsic rationality. Based on the identification of the main elements of the program, as well as the historical context of neoliberal devastation of the countryside from which it starts and its location within the current agrarian policy of the Mexican government, it is concluded that a pertinent axis of analysis of the Program would have to do with the scope, limits and tendencies of Sembrando Vida on the processes of de-peasantization in Mexico.
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