Socio-ecological subsystems in conflict: marine water and soils of La Roqueta
The central objective lies in synthesizing the use of seawater and land by tourists and service providers. The methodology used was analytical of the information obtained in the cabinet and enriched with field work on the island of La Roqueta in Acapulco de Juárez, Guerrero, Mexico during the Easter and summer vacation periods from 2020 to August 2022. Between the results are: a) the seawater, being crystalline, warm, with little waves, makes free diving (snorkeling) and autonomous diving (scuba) possible and b) the ground that has contact with the seawater has fine-textured sand, beige color, average height of three meters where swimming activities, walks, among others, take place. The conclusions are: 1) extensive use of seawater for intensive tourist use and 2) the sandy soil supports four on-site restaurants.
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