Franz Hinkelammert's theoretical laboratory

  • Henry MORA JIMÉNEZ Universidad Nacional
Keywords: Social classes, social division of labor, Marxism, powers of domination


This article is an analysis of the first part of the book Ideologies of development and dialectics of history (Hinkelammert, 1970), specially prepared for a presentation activity of a revised digital edition of this work and in commemoration of its fiftieth anniversary. It underscores the importance of Hinkelammert's early critique of neoliberalism, neo-capitalism, and the mathematical model of economic rationality. It also highlights Marx's radical critique of Hegel, without thereby transforming Marx into a "Marxist structuralist" and the tight but concise and well-accomplished presentation that Hinkelammert makes of Marx's economic and social thought.

Author Biography

Henry MORA JIMÉNEZ, Universidad Nacional




HINKELAMMERT, F. (1970). Ideologías del desarrollo y dialéctica de la historia. Editorial Paidós
How to Cite
MORA JIMÉNEZ, H. (2022). Franz Hinkelammert’s theoretical laboratory. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 27(97), e6378002. Retrieved from