Equal rights for equal work! The feminist strike of the University of Chile freelance workers: new repertoires of action and meanings in the encounter between trade unionism and feminism
The article analyzes the process of construction of the feminist general strike of March 8, 2019 in Chile, from the "fee" workers of the University of Chile, i.e. workers without a labor contract, organized in a union. By analyzing this process from the perspective of precarious workers and feminist activists, the authors seek to highlight a thread that is woven in Chile between the feminist movement in May 2018, the 8M strike of 2019 and the social revolt of October 2019. The hypothesis is that from the struggles against precarious work and feminisms, a repertoire of struggle of social movements and wage workers is renewed and extended. From a situated and self-reflexive knowledge, the authors analyze their practices in the process of feminist general strike, from a self-narration and content analysis of social networks and public statements of the union.
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