Automation of the Creation of the Schedule at the University: Mathematical Model

  • R.I. KHABIPOV Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Tatarstan Republic




The work aims to describe a mathematical model of the automation of the scheduling process in an educational institution. Also, the approaches to the compilation of the optimal schedule are considered. In the studied tasks, a large amount of initial original information is used, which differs in its composition, and contains a large number of requirements that must be taken into account. Therefore, scheduling refers to the class of NP-complete integer programming problems, which implies that as the number of values of given variables increases, the complexity of the solution will grow exponentially.




El objetivo del trabajo es describir un modelo matemático de la automatización del proceso de programación en una institución educativa. También se consideran los enfoques para la compilación del horario óptimo. En las tareas estudiadas se utiliza una gran cantidad de información original inicial, que difiere en su composición, y contiene una gran cantidad de requisitos que deben tenerse en cuenta. Por lo tanto, la programación se refiere a la clase de problemas de programación de enteros NP-completos, lo que implica que a medida que aumenta el número de valores de variables dadas, la complejidad de la solución crecerá exponencialmente.


Author Biography

R.I. KHABIPOV, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Tatarstan Republic

Khabipov was born in 1986 in the small town of Bavly, the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation. studied at the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Kazan State University from 2004 to 2009. Since 2010, have been working as a programmer at Kazan Federal University. From 2011-2015, studied in insight on the management of the economy and territorial development. In 2017, entered a postgraduate course in the specialty 05.13.01 system analysis, management, and information processing at the Higher School of Information Technologies and Intelligent Systems of Kazan Federal University.


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How to Cite
KHABIPOV, R. (2020). Automation of the Creation of the Schedule at the University: Mathematical Model. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 25(1), 251-256. Retrieved from