Prolegomenon to the ontology of neoclassical philosophy




The situation into which modern philosophy falls today is fundamentally different. Conceptual changes and shifts in modern philosophical science concern not only the revision of the reality but also the explanation of new categories and principles. This paper aims to reveal the main content, reflective models and the potential of neoclassical philosophy in the context of the formation of a new ontology. For the objective to be achieved, the following tasks must be performed: to determine the modern type of determinism, to identify the fundamental principle of neoclassical philosophy, and also to determine its main category.




La situación en la que cae la filosofía moderna hoy es fundamentalmente diferente. Los cambios sociales y conceptuales en la ciencia filosófica moderna se refieren no solo a la revisión de la realidad, sino también a la explicación de nuevas categorías y principios. Este artículo tiene como objetivo revelar el contenido principal de los modelos reflexivos y el potencial de la filosofía neoclásica en el contexto de la formación de una nueva ontología. Para lograr el objetivo, se deben realizar las siguientes tareas: determinar el tipo moderno de determinismo e identificar el principio fundamental de la filosofía neoclásica para determinar su categoría principal.


Author Biographies

A.S. KRASNOV, Kazan Federal University
Anton Sergeevich Krasnov. He was born on 06/21/1987. In 2009-2012 he got a postgraduate education degree from Kazan State University. V. I. Ulyanov-Lenin, Faculty of Philosophy. In 2004-2009 graduated higher education at Institute of Economics, Management, and Law, Faculty of Law. Knowledge of languages: German (Fluency), Italian (Elementary), English (Fluency). He is an Associate Professor (Associate Professor) at KFU, Institute of Social and Philosophical Sciences and Mass Communications, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, and Department of General Philosophy (main employee).
O.O. VOLCHKOVA, Kazan Federal University

Olga Olegovna Volchkova. Was born on 04/24/1993. In 2015-2017 was graduated higher education at Kazan Federal University, Institute of Social and Philosophical Sciences and Mass Communications, Philosophy. Studied Master’s degree in 2011-2015 at Kazan Federal University, Institute of Social and Philosophical Sciences and Mass Communications, Political Science. He is a bachelor and Assistant for BS at KFU, Institute of Social and Philosophical Sciences and Mass Communications, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Department of Religious Studies (main employee).


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How to Cite
KRASNOV, A., & VOLCHKOVA, O. (2019). Prolegomenon to the ontology of neoclassical philosophy. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 24(1), 57-64. Retrieved from