Non-Verbal Barriers To Effective Intercultural Communication




Although globalization and communication technology are bringing the world closer together in a global village, language barriers constitute a common challenge to individuals, groups, international companies, governments, nations, and the whole world. This qualitative study aimed at exploring the factors that cause non-verbal language barriers, their types and impact on effective communication, and our life, as well, are making people aware of the importance of overcoming them. This study concludes that misunderstanding, miscommunication, and misinterpretation of non-verbal messages arise when the sender (speaker) and receiver (listener) do not fully understand each other's language and culture.



Aunque la globalización y la tecnología de la comunicación están uniendo al mundo en una aldea global, las barreras idiomáticas constituyen un desafío común para las personas, los grupos, las compañías internacionales, los gobiernos, las naciones y el mundo entero. Este estudio cualitativo tuvo como objetivo explorar los factores que causan las barreras del lenguaje no verbal, sus tipos e impacto en la comunicación efectiva, y nuestra vida, así como las formas, están haciendo que las personas sean conscientes de la importancia de superarlas. Este estudio concluye que los malentendidos, la falta de comunicación y la mala interpretación de los mensajes no verbales surgen cuando el emisor (hablante) y el receptor (oyente) no entienden completamente el idioma y la cultura del otro.


Author Biographies

I. A ABU-ARQOUB, Jordan University

Ibrahim Ahmad Abuarqoub is a full professor of Mass Communication, Faculty of Arts, Social Work Department - Jordan University, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. He is a visiting scholar at Al Ain University of Science and Technology-Faculty of Communication and Media - United Arab Emirates. He has a Ph.D. in Mass communication from Northwestern University of Illinois - USA in 1988, A master's degree in Linguistics from the State University of New York in 1983. His research interest is Human Communication, Mass Communication, Psychological Warfare, Communication Campaigns, Crisis Communication, and Media Campaigns.


F. A ALSERHAN, Al-Ain University of Science and Technology

Faisal AlSerhan is an Assistant professor of Public Relations in the Faculty of Communication and Media -Al Ain University of Science and Technology -United Arab Emirates- He has Jordanian nationality. He has a Ph.D. in Public Relations from Beirut University in Lebanon in 2016. He has a master's degree in International relations from Jordan University in 2005.His research interest is traditional and electronic public relations.



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How to Cite
ABU-ARQOUB, I. A., & ALSERHAN, F. A. (2019). Non-Verbal Barriers To Effective Intercultural Communication. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 24(1), 307-316. Retrieved from