The history pages of orthodox pilgrimage: from worship to pilgrim tourism




The article deals with the history of the pilgrimage development in pre-revolutionary and post-Soviet Russia. The content of the concepts "pilgrimage" and "religious tourism" in modern literature is under definition. The article considers specifically the motivation of religious tourists and the possibility of their church going through pilgrimage. The article also analyzes travels made by pilgrims, both with the support of religious organizations and travel companies, taking into account modern legal and economic requirements, for which this type of tourism is regarded as a type of business activity with the possible participation of religious associations.




El artículo aborda la historia del desarrollo de la peregrinación en la Rusia pre-revolucionaria y post soviética. El contenido de los conceptos "peregrinación" y "turismo religioso" en la literatura moderna está bajo definición. El artículo considera específicamente la motivación de los turistas religiosos y la posibilidad de que su iglesia pase por la peregrinación. Analiza también, los viajes realizados por los peregrinos tanto con el apoyo de organizaciones religiosas como con el de las compañías de viajes, teniendo en cuenta los requisitos legales y económicos modernos, por lo que este tipo de turismo se considera como un tipo de actividad empresarial.

Author Biographies

L.S. TIMOFEEVA, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan

Lyudmila S. Timofeeva. Born in 07/28/1954. Associate Professor of Federal University, Kazan, Russia. Head of the Institute of International Relations. History and Oriental Studies. Higher School Department of Historical Sciences and World Cultural Heritage. Department of World Cultural Heritage (main employee). Research works in Russian History, Museology, conservation and restoration of historical and cultural objects. Theory, methodology and organization of socio-cultural activities.

A.R. AKHMETOVA, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan

Albina R. Akhmetova. In 1984-1989 received Higher education at Kazan State University. Department of History. Historian. Positions that held are Associate Professor at KFU, Institute of International Relations, Higher School Department of Historical Sciences and World Cultural Heritage. Department of World Cultural Heritage (internal part-time).

L.R. GALIMZYANOVA, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan
Liliya R. Galimzyanova. Born in 07/02/1977. Got a Doctorate of Philosophy degree from Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University,  the Republic of Tatarstan. Positions that held are Associate Professor at Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Russia. Institute of International Relations. Higher School Department of Historical Sciences and World Cultural Heritage. Department of World Cultural Heritage (main employee).
A.D. FOMINYKH, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan
Anna D. Fominykh. In1996-2001 received higher education, NGLU named after N.A. Dobrolyubova, Linguistics and intercultural communication. Linguist. Teacher. Positions are Senior Lecturer, BS at KFU, Institute of International Relations / Higher School Department of Foreign Languages and Translation. Department of Theory and Practice of Translation (main employee). Knowledge of languages is English (Fluent), German (Elementary).
Y.V. MUNINA, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan
Yana V. Munina. received Higher education at Kazan State University, Department of History, History and foreign language. Doctor of philosophy at Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Russia, Kazan, the Republic of Tatarstan, Institute of International Relations, Higher School Department of Historical Sciences and World Cultural Heritage, Department of World Cultural Heritage.


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How to Cite
TIMOFEEVA, L., AKHMETOVA, A., GALIMZYANOVA, L., FOMINYKH, A., & MUNINA, Y. (2019). The history pages of orthodox pilgrimage: from worship to pilgrim tourism. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 24(1), 32-37. Retrieved from