Calidad como área de investigación en educación superior. / Quality as a research area in higher education.
Los sectores de educación superior han alcanzado altos niveles de competencia. Esto ha llevado a las instituciones participantes a responder a los cambios del entorno con mejoras en la calidad de la oferta académica. Para analizar el trabajo académico se utiliza cienciometría sobre la producción documentada en WoS. Se encuentran 120 autores prolíficos contemporáneos que presentan una alta concentración en la categoría educación e investigación educacional, así como en las revistas donde publican y las universidades a las que están afiliados.
Higher education sectors have become highly competitive. This has led the participating institutions to respond to changes in the social environment with improvements in the quality of their academic offer. To analyze the academic research, scientometrics is used on the production documented in WoS. There are 120 contemporary prolific authors who present a high concentration in the category education and educational research, as well as in the journals where they publish and the universities to which they are affiliated.
ABDULLAH, F. (2006). Measuring Service Quality in Higher Education: Three Instruments Compared. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 29(1), 71-89.
ABOUCHEDID, K., & NASSER, R. (2002). Assuring quality service in higher education: registration and advising attitudes in a private university in Lebanon. Quality Assurance in Education, 10, 198-206.
ADAMS, D. (1993). Defining educational quality. Improving Educational Quality Project Publication #1: Biennial Report. Arlington, VA: Institute for International Research.
ALTBACH, P.G., REISBERG, L., & RUMBLEY, L.E. (2009). Trends in global higher education: Tracking an academic revolution. UNESCO, World Conference on Higher Education.
ANGELL, R.J., HEFFERNAN, T.W., & MEGICKS, P. (2008). Service quality in postgraduate education. Quality Assurance in Education, 16, 236-254.
ARAMBEWELA, R., & HALL, J. (2006). A comparative analysis of international education satisfaction using SERVQUAL. Journal of Services Research, 6, 141-163.
ARAYA-CASTILLO, L. (2013). ¿Qué hemos aprendido sobre la calidad de servicio en educación superior? Revista Pilquén, Sección Ciencias Sociales, 16(2), 1-12.
ARAYA-CASTILLO, L., & PEDREROS-GAJARDO, M. (2014). Grupos Estratégicos en Sectores de Educación Superior. Revista Venezolana de Gerencia (RVG), 19(65), 92-115.
ARCHER, L., HUTCHINGS, M., & ROSS, A. (2003). Higher Education and Social Class. Issues of Exclusion and Inclusion. Reino Unido: Routledge.
ARAYA-CASTILLO, L., YÁÑEZ-JARA, V., RIVERA-FLORES, Y., & BARRIENTOS, N. (2018). Grupos estratégicos en educación superior: mercado universitario de Chile. Entramado, 14(2), 74-94.
ASONITOU, S., MANDILAS, A., CHYTIS, E., & LATSOU, D. (2018). A Greek Evaluation of the Course Experience Questionnaire: Students’ Conceptions of The Teaching Quality of Higher Education Accounting Studies. International Journal of Business and Economic Sciences Applied Research (IJBESAR), 11(2), 51-62.
BATOOL, S., NADEEM, A., & ASIF, M. (2018). Managing Higher Education Quality Enhancement in Pakistan through Communication Skill to achieve International Opportunities. Journal of Managerial Sciences, 12(1), 37-48.
BAYRAKTAROGLU, G., & ATREK, B. (2010). Testing the Superiority and Dimensionality of SERVQUAL vs. SERVPERF in Higher Education. Quality Management Journal, 17(1), 47-59.
BENDERMACHER, G.W.G., OUDE EGBRINK, M.G.A., WOLFHAGEN, I.H.A.P., & DOLMANS, D.H.J.M. (2017). Unravelling quality culture in higher education: a realist review. Higher Education, 73(1), 39-60.
BERNARD, A. (1999). The child-friendly school: a summary. Paper written for UNICEF New York.
BRUNNER, J.J., & URIBE, D. (2007). Mercados Universitarios: El Nuevo Escenario de la Educación Superior. Chile: Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales.
BRUNNER, J.J., & GANGA-CONTRERAS, F. (2016). Reflexiones en torno a economía política y gobernanza de los sistemas nacionales e instituciones de educación superior en américa latina. Revista Interciencia. 41(8), 573-579.
BRUNNER, J.J., GANGA-CONTRERAS, F., & RODRÍGUEZ-PONCE, E. (2016). Gobernanza del Capitalismo Académico: Aproximaciones desde Chile. Revista Venezolana de Gerencia. 23(1), 11 - 35.
BUIL, I., HERNÁNDEZ, B., SESE, F., & URQUIZU, P. (2012). Los foros de discusión y sus beneficios en la docencia virtual: recomendaciones para un uso eficiente. Innovar, 22(43), 131-143.
BULIK, S. (1978). Book Use as a Bradford-Zipf Phenomenon. College & Research Libraries, 39(3), 215-219.
CAPELLERAS, J.L., & VECIANA, J.M. (2004). Calidad de servicio en la enseñanza universitaria: desarrollo y validación de una escala de medida. Revista Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa, 13, 55-72.
CHACÓN, S., PÉREZ-GIL, J.A., & HOLGADO, F.P. (2001). Evaluación de la calidad universitaria: validez de contenido. Psicothema, 13(2), 294-301.
CHEN, Q., & FAN, Y. (2018). Research on the Impact of Internet Development on the Quality of China's Higher Education. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 18(5), 1531-1539.
CHOUDHARY, M., & PAHARIA, P. (2018). Role of leadership in quality education in public and private higher education institutions: a comparative study. Journal of Progressive Education, 11(1), 17-24.
CLEBER-DA-SILVA, A., ADILSON-LUIZ, P., MÁRCIO, M., MOISÉS-LIMA, D., & GONZALES-AGUILAR, A. (2014). Análise bibliométrica do periódico Transinformação. El profesional de la información, 23(4), 433-442.
CORREIA, S., & MIRANDA, F. (2012). DUAQUAL: calidad percibida por docentes y alumnos en la gestión universitaria. Cuadernos de Gestión, 12(1), 107-122.
CUBILLO-PINILLA, J., ZÚÑIGA, J., LOSANTOS, I., & SÁNCHEZ, J. (2009). Factors influencing international students’ evaluations of higher education programs. Journal of American Academy of Business, 15(1), 270-278.
DANJUMA, I., & RASLI, A. (2013). Empirical Assesment of Service Quality Dimension in Technology-based Universities. Jurnal Teknologi, 60, 71-76.
DE JAGER, J., & GBADAMOSI, G. (2010). Specific remedy for specific problem: measuring service quality in South African higher education. Higher Education, 60(3), 251-267.
DESHIELDS, O.W., KARA, A., & KAYNAK, E. (2005). Determinants of business student satisfaction and retention in higher education: applying Herzberg's two-factor theory. International Journal of Educational Management, 19(2), 128-139.
DEGTJARJOVA, I., LAPINA, I., & FREIDENFELDS, D. (2018). Student as stakeholder:" voice of customer" in higher education quality development. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 2, 388-398.
DILL, D. (2007). Quality Assurance in Higher Education: Practices and Issues. The 3rd International Encyclopedia of Education, Editors-in-Chief Barry McGaw, Eva Baker and Penelope P. Peterson, Elsevier Publications.
DOBROV, G.M., RANDOLPH, R.H., & RAUCH, W.D. (1979). New options for team research via international computer networks, Scientometrics, 1(5-6), 387-404.
DONALDSON, B., & MCNICHOLAS, C. (2004). Understanding the postgraduate education market for UK-based students: a review and empirical study. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 9(4), 346-360.
ESPINOZA, O., & GONZÁLEZ, L. (2011). Acceso a instituciones de educación superior públicas y privadas: el caso de Chile. En José Joaquín Brunner y Carlos Peña (editores), El conflicto de las universidades: entre lo público y lo privado. Chile: Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales.
EWELL, P. (2009). Assessment, Accountability and Improvement: Revisting the Tension. National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment, Champaign, IL.
GAETE, M. (2011). Acciones docentes. Saberes en Pugna. REXE, 10(20), 15-34.
GANGA-CONTRERAS, F., ALARCÓN, N., & PEDRAJA-REJAS, L. (2019). Medición de calidad de servicio mediante el modelo SERVQUAL: el caso del Juzgado de Garantía de la ciudad de Puerto Montt – Chile. Ingeniare. Revista chilena de ingeniería, 27(4), 668-681.
GANGA-CONTRERAS, F., SUÁREZ-AMAYA, W., CALDERÓN, A., WANDERCIL, M. & JUNG, H. (2019). Retos a la Gobernanza Universitaria: Acotaciones sobre la Cuestión de la Autoridad y la Profesionalización de la Gestión de las Universidades. Fronteiras: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science 8 (3), 435-56.
GARCÍA DE FANELLI, A.M. (1997). La expansión de las universidades privadas. Pensamiento Universitario, 6(5), 39-45.
GRUBER, T., FUB, S., VOSS, R., & GLASER-ZIKUDA, M. (2010). Examining student satisfaction with higher education services: Using a new measurement tool. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 23(2), 105-123.
HARVEY, L., & WILLIAMS, J. (2010). Fifteen years of quality in higher education (Part Two). Taylor & Francis, 81-113.
HEMSLEY-BROWN, J., & OPLATKA, I. (2006). Universities in a competitive global marketplace. A systematic review of the literature on higher education marketing. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 19(4), 316-338.
HOTA, P., & SARANGI, P. (2019). Quality Revolution of Higher Education: A Study in India. Srusti Management Review, XII(I), 49-56.
HWANG, Y., & CHOI, Y. (2019). Higher education service quality and student satisfaction, institutional image, and behavioral intention. Social Behavior and Personality: An international journal, 47(2), 1-12.
IVY, J. (2008). A new higher education marketing mix: The 7P’s for MBA marketing. International Journal of Educational Management, 22(4), 288-299.
JAIN, R., SAHNEY, S., & SINHA, G. (2013). Developing a Scale to Measure Students Perception of Service Quality in the Indian Context. The TQM Journal, 25(3), 276-294.
JAIN, R., SINHA, G., & SAHNEY, S. (2011). Conceptualizing service quality in higher education. Asian Journal on Quality, 12(3), 296-314.
JIMÉNEZ-BUCAREY, C.G., ARAYA-CASTILLO, L., & ROJAS-VALLEJOS, J. (2020). Calidad de Servicio como Área de Investigación en Educación Superior. Interciencia, 45(7), 329-337.
JOGUNOLA, O., & VARIS, K. (2019). How to Measure and Manage Perceived Quality of Higher Education by International Degree Students at Two Case Universities in Finland. Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 20(1), 59-74.
JUARROS, M.F. (2006). Configuraciones emergentes en la educación superior latinoamericana. Contexto Educativo. Revista Digital de Educación y Nuevas Tecnologías, 37.
JUNG, I. (2011). The dimensions of e-learning quality: from the learner’s perspective. Education Tech Research Dev, 59, 445-464.
KEKÄLE, J. (2002). Conceptions of quality in four different disciplines. Tertiary Education and Management, 8(1), 65-80.
LAI, M.M., LAU, S.H., MOHAMAD, N.A., & CHEW, K.W. (2015). Assessing antecedents and consequences of student satisfaction in higher education: evidence from Malaysia. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 25(1), 45-69.
LARRAÍN, C., & ZURITA, S. (2008). The new student loan system in Chile’s higher education. Higher Education, 55(6), 683-702.
LAZIBAT, T., BAKOVIĆ, T., & DUŽEVIĆ, I. (2014). How perceived service quality influences students' satisfaction? Teachers' and students' perspectives. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 25(7-8), 923-934.
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MARTENSEN, A., & GRØNHOLDT, L. (2009). Quality in higher education: linking graduates' competencies and employers' needs. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 1(1), 67-77.
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SENTHILKUMAR, N., & ARULRAJ, A. (2011). SQM-HEI–determination of service quality measurement of higher education in India. Journal of Modelling in Management, 6(1), 60-78.
SEVERINO-GONZÁLEZ, P., & GAETE-QUEZADA, R. (2019). Análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica sobre responsabilidad social en universidades chilenas. Revista Espacios, 40(15), 13.
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TADESSE, T., MANATHUNGA, C.E., & GILLIES, R.M. (2018). Making sense of quality teaching and learning in higher education in Ethiopia: Unfolding existing realities for future promises. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 15(1). Disponible en:
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YILMAZ, D.V. (2019). Quality Assurance in Turkish Higher Education in the Framework of Policy Process Model. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, (46), 37-60.