Dialect Features of the Siberian Tatars Song Culture

  • S.V KARKINA Kazan Federal University. Russia
  • N.K NURGAYANOVA Kazan Federal University. Russia
  • M KAUR Department of Philosophy, Partap College of Education, Ludhiana, India
Palabras clave: Dialect, ethnic culture, language, music folklore, siberian tatars. / Cultura étnica, dialecto, folclore musical, idioma, tártaros siberianos.




The object of the research is the traditional song culture of the Tatar population of Siberia in the context of dialect features. The article analyses song samples obtained during expeditions to the Novosibirsk and Tyumen regions, where Tatars live. As a result of the research, various and interesting, the material was recorded. Information was collected on the basis of a questionnaire to collect song folklore for a detailed analysis of the recorded sample, which allowed further identification of the distribution area and local dialect features, as well as modern forms of traditional song creation among the Tatar population of Siberia.



El objeto del trabajo de investigación es la cultura tradicional de la canción de la población tártara de Siberia en el contexto de las características del dialecto. El artículo analiza muestras de canciones obtenidas durante expediciones a las regiones de Novosibirsk y Tyumen, donde viven los tártaros. Como resultado de la investigación, se grabó material variado e interesante. La información se recopiló sobre la base de un cuestionario para recopilar el folklore de la canción para un análisis detallado de la muestra grabada, lo que permitió una mayor identificación del área de distribución y las características del dialecto local, así como formas modernas de creación de canciones tradicionales entre la población tártara de Siberia.

Biografía del autor/a

S.V KARKINA, Kazan Federal University. Russia
Karkina Svetlana Vladimirovna, was born in 1982. Candidate of Pedagogy. In 2006 graduated from Kazan State Conservatory (Academy) of name N.G. Zhiganov, specialization: The instrumental performing. Qualification: Teacher. In 2014 defended the thesis on the topic «Person oriented aesthetic education of students of high school on the basis of integration of words and music». Associate Professor of Department of Tatar and cultural studies, Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication Kazan Federal University. Areas of research: pedagogy; pedagogical methods and approaches, online education, integration in art and education.
N.K NURGAYANOVA, Kazan Federal University. Russia
Nelya Khabibullovna Nurgayanova, was born in 1963. Candidate of Pedagogy. In 1992 graduated from Kazan State Conservatory (Academy) of name N.G.Zhiganov, specialization: The vocal performing. Qualification: Teacher. In 2012 defended the thesis on the topic «Formation of vocal performance culture of the future teacher of music based on the Tatar singing traditions». Associate Professor of Department of Tatar and cultural studies, Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication Kazan Federal University. Researcher of G. Ibragimov Institute of Language, Literature and Arts of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences. Areas of research: pedagogy; pedagogical methods and approaches, integration in art and education, music folklore, Tatar ethnic culture.
M KAUR, Department of Philosophy, Partap College of Education, Ludhiana, India
Manpreet Kaur, was born in 1974. Doctor of Philosophy. In 2004 graduated from Panjab University, direction of training: Education, Qualification: Master. In 2016 defended the thesis on the topic «Family Climate, Spiritual and Emotional Intelligence as Predictors of Well-Being Among Adolescents». Professor, Principal of Partap College of Education, Ludhiana, India. Areas of research: pedagogy; pedagogical methods and approaches, well-being, digital technologies in education.


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Cómo citar
KARKINA, S., NURGAYANOVA, N., & KAUR, M. (2020). Dialect Features of the Siberian Tatars Song Culture. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 25(1), 296-303. Recuperado a partir de https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/utopia/article/view/33705