Effect of using social media on word of mouth advertising for tourism industry

  • LEILA ANDERVAZH Islamic Azad University, Khorramshahr, Iran
  • EBRAHIM ALBONAIEMI Islamic Azad University, Khorramshahr, Iran
  • MARSHA ZARBAZOO Islamic Azad University, Rudehen, Tehran, Iran
Palabras clave: Brand equity, Social media, Tourism, Word of mouth advertising. / Publicidad boca a boca, Redes sociales, Turismo, Valor de marca.




This study aimed to investigate the impact of using social media on word of mouth advertising with an emphasis on the mediating role of brand equity in the tourism industry‏. The purpose of this study is applied type and in terms of the method is a survey. ‏The data gathering tool in this study is the standard questionnaire of Andrew. In this study, face and content validity were used to evaluate the validity of the questionnaire. Findings of a critical ratio value (T-value ranging from -1.96 to 1.96) resulted in a 99% be positive and significant.



Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar el impacto del uso de las redes sociales en la publicidad boca a boca con énfasis en el papel mediador del valor de la marca en la industria del turismo. El propósito de este estudio es el tipo aplicado y en términos del método es una encuesta. La herramienta de recopilación de datos en este estudio es el cuestionario estándar de Andrew. En este estudio, se utilizó la validez aparente y de contenido para evaluar la validez del cuestionario. Los resultados de un valor de relación crítica (valor T que varía de -1,96 a 1,96) dieron como resultado un 99% de ser positivo y significativo.

Biografía del autor/a

LEILA ANDERVAZH, Islamic Azad University, Khorramshahr, Iran

She holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration, Marketing Orientation, which was awarded in 2014. He is a full-time faculty member of the Department of Business Management, Islamic Azad University, and holds the rank of Assistant Professor. She has written authoritative scientific books and articles in this field and is currently the director of the Department of MSc and Ph.D.

EBRAHIM ALBONAIEMI, Islamic Azad University, Khorramshahr, Iran

He was born in 1958 in Tehran. After finishing high school in Iran, He chose the UK for the start of his higher education. Following the completion of his studies in England, he left for India to study for post-graduation degree and in 1987 he could achieve a Master's degree in business. Finally, in 1991, he received his Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of Puna. Returning to his home country, he became a faculty member of Iran state-run University and later started cooperation with the Islamic Azad University; and ever since 1993, He has been working in prestigious public and private universities. He is currently a full-time faculty member of the Persian Gulf University, the International Branch. Moreover, He has authored more than 35 international and domestic articles and has participated in several both domestic and international conferences and seminars. In addition to his academic and teaching positions, he has been a counselor to various ministries of Iran. There are also some major private companies of the country working with him as professional advisor.

MARSHA ZARBAZOO, Islamic Azad University, Rudehen, Tehran, Iran

She was born in 1977. She holds three bachelor degrees in accounting, public management and business management from Azad University and Master of business management (marketing) from the same institute. She is currently engaged as PhD candidate of business management in Azad University. Her academic and professional positions include: teaching in Azad University and University of applied science and technology, founder and manager of an institute of tax and accounting services, CEO of an international business company.


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Cómo citar
ANDERVAZH, L., ALBONAIEMI, E., & ZARBAZOO, M. (2020). Effect of using social media on word of mouth advertising for tourism industry. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 25(1), 197-207. Recuperado a partir de https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/utopia/article/view/33522