Students attitudes towards reactivation of peer counselor program to prevent substance use

  • I. NURMALA University of Airlangga, Indonesia
  • R.D. RACHMAYANTI University of Airlangga, Indonesia
  • MUTHMAINNAH MUTHMAINNAH University of Airlangga, Indonesia
  • E.P. PERTIWI University of Airlangga, Indonesia
  • N. HARRIS Griffith University, Australia
  • Y. PUSPITA DEVI University of Airlangga, Indonesia
Palabras clave: Attitudes, High school students, Peer counselor, Policy, Substance use. / Actitudes, Consejero, Estudiantes de secundaria, Política, Uso de sustancias.




In this article, the attitud of high school students toward reactivation of the peer counsellor program in senior high schools is investigated. They were conducted in 10 high schools in 5 regions in Surabaya with a random sample of 854 students. The data were collected from July 2018 to September 2018 using a self-administered questionnaire. Results show that only 52.7% (n=450) of students knew about the program and 68% (n=581) of these students report a positive attitude toward the program. This research also found that a similar program exists in some schools.



En este artículo, se investigan las actitudes de los estudiantes de secundaria hacia la reactivación del programa de consejeros de pares en las escuelas secundarias. Se llevaron a cabo en 10 escuelas y en 5 regiones de Surabaya con una muestra aleatoria de 854 estudiantes. Los datos se recopilaron de julio de 2018 a septiembre de 2018 mediante un cuestionario autoadministrado. Los resultados muestran que solo el 52.7% (n = 450) de los estudiantes conocían el programa y el 68% (n = 581) de estos estudiantes informaron una actitud positiva hacia el programa. Esta investigación también encontró que existe un programa similar en algunas escuelas.

Biografía del autor/a

I. NURMALA, University of Airlangga, Indonesia
Ira Nurmala, has been a researcher with the Faculty of Public Health Universitas Airlangga since 2004. She received her PhD in health promotion from The University of Georgia (United States) after she received her master's degree in public health from Maastricht University (The Netherlands). Dr Ira Nurmala is a scholar, researcher, and lecturer majoring in health promotion with a recent publication about adolescent’s health problems.
R.D. RACHMAYANTI, University of Airlangga, Indonesia

Riris Diana Rachmayanti, a magister from Faculty of Public Health Universitas Airlangga. She is a lecturer and researcher in health promotion and behaviour Department with a special interest in Youth’s health. She has created an application for the peer education program.

MUTHMAINNAH MUTHMAINNAH, University of Airlangga, Indonesia
Muthmainnah a magister from Faculty of Public Health Universitas Diponegoro. She is a lecturer and researcher in health promotion and behaviour Department with a special interest in Youth’s health. She has developed a module for the peer education program.
E.P. PERTIWI, University of Airlangga, Indonesia
Elisa DWI Pertiwi alumni from Faculty of Public Health Universitas Airlangga. She was a research assistant in the Faculty of Public Health Universitas Airlangga and currently working at Primary Health Centre in Indonesia. She was a peer educator in drug abuse prevention when she was in senior high school.
N. HARRIS, Griffith University, Australia

Neil Harris currently an associate professor of Public Health, within the School of Medicine at Griffith University. Neil has extensive experience in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of population-based intervention research to motivate healthy lifestyle choices, including dietary behaviours. A/Prof Neil Harris has diverse experience in managing applied research projects into the process and impacts of innovative behaviour change interventions with youth and young adults around lifestyle behaviours including food literacy, dietary choices, physical activity, and substance use.

Y. PUSPITA DEVI, University of Airlangga, Indonesia
Yuli Puspita Devi alumni from Faculty of Public Health Universitas Airlangga. She is a research assistant in the Faculty of Public Health Universitas Airlangga majoring in Biostatistics and Population with a special interest in the health of adolescent’s health, maternal health, and child health.


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Cómo citar
NURMALA, I., RACHMAYANTI, R., MUTHMAINNAH, M., PERTIWI, E., HARRIS, N., & PUSPITA DEVI, Y. (2020). Students attitudes towards reactivation of peer counselor program to prevent substance use. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 25(1), 134-143. Recuperado a partir de