Role of the Media in Providing Constitutional Law and Order

  • Anna YASTREBOVA Russian State Social University, Russia
  • Yurij SKURATOV Russian State Social University, Russia
  • Yurij SKURATOV Russian State Social University, Russia
  • Roman DZHAVAKHYAN Russian State Social University, Russia
  • Roman DZHAVAKHYAN Russian State Social University, Russia
Palabras clave: Journalists, mass media, civil society, international humanitarian law, international law of armed conflicts. / Periodistas, medios de comunicación, sociedad civil, derecho internacional humanitario, derecho internacional de conflictos armados.




The article aims to elaborate doctrinal positions disclosing features of interaction between public authorities and civil society in the resolution of the most complicated tasks of the present, including by ensuring constitutional law and order and improving statutory and legal foundations of their interaction. One of the leading approaches to the study of this problem is the dialectic interaction of state legal institutions and civil society institutions. In the article, the authors have analyzed provisions of international acts and Russian national laws governing the interaction between the state and civil society (the mass media), including during armed conflicts. and measures aimed to ensure constitutional law and order.



El artículo tiene como objetivo elaborar posturas doctrinales que revelen características de interacción entre las autoridades públicas y la sociedad civil en la resolución de las tareas más complicadas del presente, incluso asegurando la ley y el orden constitucionales y mejorando los fundamentos legales de su interacción. Uno de los enfoques principales para el estudio de este problema es la interacción dialéctica de las instituciones legales estatales y las instituciones de la sociedad civil. En el artículo, los autores analizaron las disposiciones de los actos internacionales y las leyes nacionales rusas que rigen la interacción entre el estado y la sociedad civil (los medios de comunicación), incluso durante los conflictos armados. y medidas destinadas a garantizar el orden y leyes constitucionales.

Biografía del autor/a

Anna YASTREBOVA, Russian State Social University, Russia

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of State Legal Disciplines. Research interests: ensuring constitutional law and order; interaction of the state and civil society institutions; social state concept; intellectual property.

Yurij SKURATOV, Russian State Social University, Russia

Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor. Head of the Department of State Legal Disciplines. Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation. Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Valid State Counselor of Justice. Research interests: constitutional reform, concepts of a social state, popular sovereignty, Eurasian paradigm of a guarantee state.

Yurij SKURATOV, Russian State Social University, Russia

Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor. Head of the Department of State Legal Disciplines. Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation. Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Valid State Counselor of Justice. Research interests: constitutional reform, concepts of a social state, popular sovereignty, Eurasian paradigm of a guarantee state.

Roman DZHAVAKHYAN, Russian State Social University, Russia

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Public Law and Arbitration Justice. Research interests: issues of the implementation of the constitutional right to judicial protection; constitutional and legal problems of the formation and activities of the judiciary; the interaction of civil society and the judiciary.

Roman DZHAVAKHYAN, Russian State Social University, Russia

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Public Law and Arbitration Justice. Research interests: issues of the implementation of the constitutional right to judicial protection; constitutional and legal problems of the formation and activities of the judiciary; the interaction of civil society and the judiciary.


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Cómo citar
YASTREBOVA, A., SKURATOV, Y., SKURATOV, Y., DZHAVAKHYAN, R., & DZHAVAKHYAN, R. (2020). Role of the Media in Providing Constitutional Law and Order. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 25(5), 348-355. Recuperado a partir de