Placing names conversion into verbs as a mean of explaning their outstanding properties

Palabras clave: Place Names, Salience Spatial, Cognition, Spatial Language. Cognición Espacial, Lenguaje Espacial, Notoriedad, Topónimos.



Verbs formed from toponyms by zero conversion are the focus of this article. The paper intends to show that converting a place name into a verb is a prominent way of explicating the place's salient properties. The data were collected from the corpora and detected on news, media sites and blogs. The study shows that verbs formed from place names demonstrate how people conceptualize places. Research shows that the linguistic salience is preceded by the conceptual salience that occurs when some striking event, fact, point of view about the place becomes strongly associated with it and regularly talked about.



Los verbos formados a partir de topónimos por conversión cero son el foco de este artículo. El artículo pretende mostrar que convertir un nombre de lugar en un verbo es una forma destacada de explicar las propiedades más destacadas del lugar. Los datos fueron recolectados de los corpus y detectados en sitios de noticias, medios y blogs. El estudio muestra que los verbos formados a partir de nombres de lugares demuestran cómo las personas conceptualizan los lugares y la relevancia lingüística está precedida por la importancia conceptual que ocurre cuando algún evento llamativo, el hecho sobre el lugar se asocia fuertemente con él.

Biografía del autor/a

E.V. PUPYNINA, The National Research University “Belgorod State University”, Belgorod
Elena Vladimirovna Pupynina received a Doctoral philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in “Belgorod State University”, Holds Associate Professor in the National Research University “Belgorod State University” (“BelSU”), Belgorod, Russia (main employee). Her research area is scientific systems, sustainable development, university publication activity, publication structures, Universities, changes in publication structures, university ranking.
O.N. PROKHOROVA, The National Research University “Belgorod State University”, Belgorod
Olga Nikolaevna Prokhorova, received a Doctoral philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in “Belgorod State University”, (“BelSU”), Holds Professor, in the National Research University “Belgorod State University” / “BelSU”, Belgorod, Russia (main employee). Is director of the Institute of  Cross-cultural Communication and International Relations.
I.V. CHEKULAI, The National Research University “Belgorod State University”, Belgorod
Igor Vladimirovich Chekulai, received a Doctoral philosophy (PhD) degree in “Belgorod State University Institute of Arts and Culture”, (“BelSU”), Holds Professor, in the National Research University “Belgorod State University” / “BelSU”, Belgorod, Russia (main employee), and Philology, Senior Lecturer, Head of Department of Russian Studies.
E.F. BEKH, The National Research University “Belgorod State University”, Belgorod

Ekaterina Feodorovna Bekh, was born on October 1982, is an instructor in the National Research University “Belgorod State University” (“BelSU”), Belgorod, Russia. Is a post-graduate from Belgorod National Research University, the Institute of Cross-cultural Communication and International Relations, Department of English Philology and Cross-cultural Communication (Belgorod).


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Cómo citar
PUPYNINA, E., PROKHOROVA, O., CHEKULAI, I., & BEKH, E. (2019). Placing names conversion into verbs as a mean of explaning their outstanding properties. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 24(1), 345-351. Recuperado a partir de